Sales consulting

Your sales has enormes potential!

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Sales is facing a comprehensive transformation. The challenges are increasing. As a specialized sales consultancy, we support you in successfully shaping the coming transformation. Based on our Sales Excellence approach, we can systematically determine your strengths and weaknesses in sales and jointly leverage the existing potential.

Establish a customer value model to optimally assess future potential. Analyze cross-selling potential on an ongoing basis and establish an innovation radar in sales to ensure upcoming offerings have the best possible time to market. This requires valuable customer data. Sales no longer sells – it gathers important customer data and confirms the decisions the customer made long ago. New skills in digitization and data management are needed in sales. We help to build and expand these competencies and prepare your sales force for the coming changes: systematically, customer-oriented and with a focus on increasing profits.

Our offer in the field of sales consulting

Distribution strategy

Distribution strategy

Target system


Digital Commerce

Sales Management

Customer value-based measures

Customer oriented processes

Sales Enablement

Key Account Management

Negotiation Management


Value Selling

Conflict Management



Data mining


Shop/platform integration

Sales & Marketing Automation

Details about our offering

Distribution strategy

The key success factor is a written sales strategy. Few companies develop a sales strategy every year. In our Sales Excellence Study, we were able to determine that a sales strategy can lead to a 15% higher EBIT. This in close connection with a target system. We support you in developing a sales strategy and a systematic target system that focuses on cross-selling and increasing customer value.

Sales Management

In sales management, it is important to align activities with customer value. Visits as well as discounts should lead to an increase in customer value. In addition, the existing processes must be systematically reviewed and improved. Marketing must be comprehensively integrated with sales and sales enablement must be established. Value-oriented key account management must also be established and optimally designed for particularly valuable customers.

Negotiation Management

Selling has changed. The outdated formula: "understand your customers' needs and try to satisfy them in the best possible way" has been replaced by: "show your customers new possibilities and inspire them to use them". Based on the Zürcher negotiation model, we will show you the value contribution that value selling and the right conflict management can have. In doing so, we provide an in-house sales trainer. Our training and coaching approaches will help you to be significantly more successful in the respective negotiation situations....


On average, customers have made 70% of their decision before they meet a salesperson. This is why many companies need to massively expand their data collection in order to be able to provide optimal support to the salesperson. We support you not only in the acquisition of postal codes, but also in the acquisition of the attitudes of your customers. With the help of our high level of technology expertise, we help you integrate a CRM system, connect a shop/platform and establish sales & marketing automations.

Are you ready for your next project?

No matter what level of maturity your sales department is at, with our systematic approach we will help you identify sales potential and show you how you can tap into it.

Are you planning to optimize the efficiency of your sales system or are you thinking about transforming your sales system? Then you are exactly right with us.

This is how we work together in trust

Step 1

Analyze your sales excellence

Based on our DTC consulting approach, the first step is to determine the strengths, weaknesses and potential of your sales system based on our unique sales excellence. An overall overview of the status quo of your sales system is created in the form of an online assessment, discussions and workshops.


Step 2

Adjustment of sales strategy

Based on the overall overview, the existing sales strategy will be adjusted in consultation with you. Profit growth targets are defined in terms of improving customer acquisition, increasing customer value and customer loyalty. In addition, efficiency targets are determined on the basis of the automation possibilities of processes. Finally, a roadmap for the implementation is created.

Strategieberatung CustomersX

Step 3

Strategy implementation

Despite all the digitalization, sales is a people business. People work with people and any sales strategy must take this into account. As external sales consultants, we know: sales consulting is only successful if the results are actually implemented in our customers’ sales practices. This means that good implementation is a change process for salespeople and management. Based on our extensive experience through the responsibility of the leading sales department at an university in Switzerlandand our international network of top coaches, we ensure the implementation of the chosen strategy.

Sales strategy CustomersX

Step 4

Consolidation of the implementation

The best results are achieved when sales consulting and sales training go hand in hand. New ways must be internalized and practiced so that they can be confidently applied in the tension and speed of sales situations. Therefore, the investment in professional sales consulting pays off especially if the corresponding measures are not only presented selectively, but are controlled and repeatedly trained over time.

Incentivierung CustomersX

Resources on the topic of sales consulting

Sales Excellence Maturity Check

Evaluate your sales excellence online in 10 minutes and get a benchmark with past participants.

Sales Excellence Article

An introduction to the topic of sales excellence and a presentation of the key success factors

Our Sales Excellence Framework

Sales excellence is one of the most direct levers for increasing growth and profits. Outstanding sales performance is increasingly becoming a decisive competitive advantage in highly competitive markets. Our sales excellence approach is empirically based and compatible with international research and publications.

The information management dimension includes the use of a VOC/CRM system to determine better customer insights and optimize sales based on customer value.

The Transformation dimension includes process optimization, the reduction of interfaces, and sales enablement.

The sales strategy dimension includes, among other things, a continuously optimized target system and customer value-oriented decision-making.

The Sales Management dimension targets face-to-face sales and digital commerce.

Our Sales Excellence approach is the basis of the MAS Sales Excellence at the HWZ and is successfully used there in the context of the individual CAS.

Let's talk about improving your project.