Why is the price management seminar just right for you - and why with us?
Price management as a growth driver: the underestimated success factor
Price management is one of the most important levers for corporate success – and is often still underutilized. Many companies set their prices solely on the basis of costs and competitive analyses. However, modern, innovative methods make it possible to gain deeper insights into customers’ needs and wishes and align price management with customers’ willingness to pay.
Our seminar goes far beyond theoretical PowerPoint presentations. It enables you to immediately apply what you have learned in your daily business. We teach you the essential building blocks in a practical way:
- Price measurement on the basis of customers
- Innovative pricing strategies and pricing systems
- Systematic price negotiations
These three building blocks will immediately help you to sustainably increase your growth and profits. Our unique combination of innovative software, strategy and negotiation management has led to great success in our day-to-day consulting work. In addition, our hands-on approach has been very successful in our training courses over the last 7 years. Over 400 students and seminar participants have been able to increase their companies’ profits by up to 10% by applying this knowledge.
Take advantage of the potential of customer-oriented price management and differentiate yourself from the competition!
Everything important:
Factsheet Seminar Price Management
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Information evenings at
6.30 p.m. via Teams
Implementations 2025
Day 1 | 25.09.2025
Day 2 | 26.09.2025
Day 3 | 27.09.2025
Our ambition
Create an immediate effect! In concrete terms, this means:
Before each seminar day: You will receive a digital onboarding, which introduces the respective basics and provides you with individual exercises to build up your understanding.
On the seminar day: The inputs follow the common thread of our “Pricing Canvas”. You will learn how to set up customer-oriented price management and how to use it in negotiations. In order to achieve the maximum learning effect, you will immediately deepen the inputs in team exercises based on our guided-based learning approach.
Forever: With the “Pricing Canvas” as a tool, you can solve any pricing challenge in the future, whenever you encounter one.
Day 1 - Price analysis and pricing strategy
We show on the first day:
○ Basics of customer-oriented price management
○ Implementation of customer-oriented price measurement
○ Price strategy
○ Discount management
Day 2 - Price communication and implementation
On the second day, we show:
○ Pricing systems
○ Price communication based on behavioral pricing
○ Internal price regulations
Day 3 - Negotiation management
We show on the third day:
○ Presentation of the Zurich negotiation model
○ Use of the negotiation model for price adjustment
Small group
to be able to respond individually to your questions and problems
Top expert
Guaranteed knowledge transfer at the highest professional level
with other participants in similar situations and with similar questions
Supporting materials
with many more practical examples. You will also receive our sales management book with the training free of charge
by means of guided-based learning, so that the skills are acquired sustainably
and ideas for new approaches by our coach and the participants present
Target group
Location: memox (HB-Zurich)
Duration: 3 days
Period: from 08.30 to 16.30 in each case
Cost: CHF 2,850 (including materials and meals)
Language: German
This masterclass is suitable for:
- Members of the Executive Board
- Price manager
- Product Manager
- Sales Manager
- Business Development
- Area & Regional Manager
- Sales Manager
- Sales employee
- (Key) Account Manager
- Independent sales representatives
Those responsible
Jörg Staudacher has built up the largest training center in sales and is a partner of CustomersX. He has extensive expertise in sales. With more than 20 years of experience in creating training and further education programs for different learning levels and companies, he is a proven expert in the field of skills transfer.
It brings cutting-edge technologies and business together and shows what really makes sense.
Michael Bullinger is one of the leading experts in the field of negotiation management. When negotiations fail, at first glance this is due to differing points of view or the parties sticking to their positions. Under the surface, however, it is often relationship and value conflicts that block negotiations. In such situations, the Zurich Negotiation Model® developed at the Bullinger Institute opens up new options for action. These skills are particularly important for price management and form the basis for success.
Our masterclasses and seminars are concluded with a certificate of attendance. If desired, a CustomersX Academy certificate can also be obtained. A transfer paper will be written for this purpose. This in the form of individual work, teams of two are possible in justified cases. The focus should be on working on a self-selected question related to the subject area of the masterclass/seminar.
The elaboration should make a contribution to the further development of the chosen topic and represent a practice-oriented transfer of the teaching content in a corporate context. Even if the practice-oriented approach is in the foreground, scientific methods and quality features must be adhered to in the elaboration.
With us you are in the best hands. Who we are:
Training DNA:
20 years of experience in the creation and preparation of premium content for competence transfer.
Learning with method(s):
Sound didactic concepts and customized digital building blocks for sustainable and practical knowledge transfer.
The latest scientific findings and developments in practice for successful and practice-effective development.
We will be happy to answer all your questions about the price management seminar.
Information request